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Campaigns & Events

Reclaiming the Narrative

We value the importance of personal narrative, and we want to amplify the voices of power abuse survivors in the Arts. For this campaign, we want to create a space to voice the burden we’ve been carrying and to share it with a community who understands. Let's challenge the shame that was inflicted on us and explore it as a tool for liberation. 

Lay it down elsewhere, if only for a moment. 

Your submission will be anonymous. 

Your submissions will result in a public arts action with your words being placed onto city walls and art spaces across Ireland, so that the survivor experience can no longer be ignored and won't be hidden any longer. During the summer months, we worked with very kind and generous folks at creative design agency Notes to Cork. We collaborated with the very talented Cork based illustrator Emer Kiely on the poster design. They helped us bring your powerful words to the streets of Cork by installing these billboards all across the city. 

All we ask is...

  • Please keep your answers to maximum two sentences in length

  • We will be unable to use your submission if it includes someone's name

  • There is no obligation to answer all three questions, or any!

Our intention for those who choose to contribute their voice is that this project will play a part in making the heaviness of what you have been carrying from your experience with power abuse a little lighter. We hope it will be a step in your journey of Reclaiming Your Power.

Please reach out for support if any of these questions put you in a worrying headspace. We only want participants to take part if you feel it may be beneficial for you. Please see our support page. 

"We believe in the importance of celebrating ourselves and our community. So, on this long road to survival, what are you most proud of yourself for?"
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